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Study Trip Switzerland

MBA students from St Galler Business School participate in creative workshops focused on Baxter’s mission to Save and sustain lives in Peritoneal Dialysis (PD) and best place to work.

For the second year running, the St. Galler Business School visited Baxter Healthcare SA Zurich with managing director Dr. Christian Abegglen. On Wednesday May 31st, 40 staff and MBA students in the St Galler Business School attended the Baxter EMEA headquarters as part of a study week in Switzerland. The business school delegations from the DACH region and Cracow were in attendance.

After an introduction and warm welcome, Bernhard Kaumanns (Head Medical Affairs EMEA) provided a Baxter company overview and core business values. Following this, Maria Elenina (PD Marketing Manager EMEA) presented the market landscape of Peritoneal Dialysis in Western Europe and why Baxter has embarked on the mission to save and sustain lives providing patients options for peritoneal dialysis, including Baxter’s new remote technology, Sharesource. Three interactive workshops were presented to the students:

  • How to successfully weave rating-less performance management in result-driven organizations led by Monica Swandayanie and Nicola Mayhew, EMEA HR Talent Management
  • Developing an approach to optimize PD penetration in Western European countries led by Bernhard Kaumanns and Jared Ou-Young, EMEA Medical Affairs
  • Identifying target countries and methods for achieving premium price for Sharesource led by Josephina Haberl, EMEA Market Access

    There was great participation, interest and lively discussion. The students presented their workshop summaries including creative ideas such as: When doing a several hours kidney dialysis, one could offer additional options, meeting other people, creating extra emotional value and support, meeting together in a forum such as a “Renal party!”

    After the workshops, Caroline Chagnaud from Portikon facility management gave a very interesting presentation about the Portikon building in which the Baxter offices are located, including a historical account of the Zeppelin Port here in Opfikon…Port + Opfikon = Portikon!

    The students were extremely engaged and amazed about Baxter’s mission in Peritoneal Dialysis and striving to be a best place to work. Dr. Abegglen reiterated the wish to include Baxter Healthcare SA in the MBA study week next year, and potentially for the next 10 years!