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Unsere Ansprechpartner:

Michael Rabbat, Dipl.-Kfm.
MBA Chief Operating Officer

Claudia Hardmeier

Institute und Kompetenzzentren

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Klimaneutrale Seminare

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Juan Diego Flórez Association

Mit musikalischer Bildung
gegen Armut:

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Inhouse Programs

Our standard

In-house qualifications as well as development programs that sustainably empower enterprises and employees generally consist of a lot of measures that are incorporated into an integrated management-development-concept.

Such a concept equally takes strategies, gowned cultures and existing structures into consideration. It defines which leadership qualitities are needed at which time, which place and deals with the organizational circumstances that help realizing the power of the human resources. As a consequence sustainable management quality and management competence arise.

Together we check how to reach fixed aims and desired advantages the best way and propose a development concept that fits. Together we define single, suitable steps to work out a sustainable answer to your challenges and support a positive, continuous development of the business venture.

We are committed to maxima in quality and customer advantage. Each situation and challenge is seen out of an integrated and holistic perspective. That’s why causes and contexts are always taken into consideration regardless of the size of the project or the company we are dedicated to. Our knowledge and the findings of our research activities in fields of management sciences are permanently taken into consideration.

Doing so, we are able to trigger sustainable and perceptual changes and improvements that lead organizations to success.

“Bit by bit it is possible to witness positively changing attitudes of our managers concerning the operative business.”

Dr. Herbert Schlotter,
Director HRM
Wüstenrot & Württembergische AG, Stuttgart

“Since many years SGBS has emerged as a leading provider of company internal seminars for managers in English language..”

Stefanie Sieg,
Manager Corporate
Human Resources

“The training provides a wide base, increases the secureness in dealing with economic questions and can be deepened if required.”.

Dr. Matthias L. Wolfgruber
Chairman of the board
Altana Chemie

Inhouse Concepts:

I nternal accomplishment of «open» seminars:

The selected, open seminar will be conducted exclusively for managers out of your company. In doing so specific challenges of your company and dealing with them will be in focus next to general examples supposed to transfer knowledge. The conceptual design of these kind of in-house seminars can be done quite quickly. All open seminars of the Business School St. Gallen are likely to be conducted as in-house events.

Customized in-house seminars

The content of these seminars are specially designed for the needs and targets of your company. This requires an intense preparation- and conception-phase. Duties and responsibilities of participants are taken into consideration and single seminar-days for which reason the seminar is more likely to be considered as a workshop generating concrete and realizable results. Contents of different seminars at intercompany level can be combined target-oriented and adjusted to the specific needs of your company.


We coach and counsel individuals or groups in the course of our trainings in order to optimize their individual leadership-performance. Shared rules and basic conditions are fixed during the training.

Combination of seminars at intercompany level and in-house

In the course of long-term concept it is possible to combine open seminars with customized, inhouse parts. The advantages of such a design is the combination of interbranch exchange of knowledge (within the open seminars) as well as the development of team-spirit and internal exhange.

Basic or complex training

Desing-Options for in-house trainings reach from elementary inputs dealing with specific topics to, complex and long term training courses. As a consequence it is possible to develop an optimal, individual further training that meets the needs of today’s managers.

Accomplishment – Languages

The trainings can be conducted in in-house training centres, specific seminar hotels or well-known seminar centres of the Business School St. Gallen. At participant’s option the whole organisation of the seminar (announcement, hotel reservation, post-processing) can be handled by the administration of the Business School St. Gallen. The seminars can be conducted in German, English, French or Spanish.


For requests please contact our director of the Inhouse-Seminars, Mr. Christian Muntwiler, lic. oec. HSG at all times.
Phone: 0041 (0)71 225 40 80
Fax: 0041 (0)71 225 40 89

“The participants were very satisfied – in other words – excited. Especially one training was overwhelming and we based a success-story on it.”

Andrea Fichtelmann,
Field Readiness
Manager BMO, Microsoft Deutschland GmbH