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Unsere Ansprechpartner:
Michael Rabbat, Dipl.-Kfm.
MBA Chief Operating Officer
Claudia Hardmeier
The world has not gotten simpler, since today’s definitive book in management “The Concept of Integrated Management” has been published by Knut Bleicher. Back in the day Knut Bleicher pleaded for an integrative approach and pointed out the fact, that the world would have to change in terms of understanding business and management. Because of ever increasing complexity in the world the different challenges cannot be managed by unidimensional interventions.
Unlike a decade ago, the projections of current economic situation are lacking stability and changing in full swing. This manifests in the global turbulences within business and society, not being considered as plausible a few years ago are now abruptly growing in the ever increasing digitalization world.
As a result a feeling of uncertainty and disorientation arises, penetrating the decision makers within the companies. Because of the ever increasing level of complexity it is very difficult to figure out the small path to success that guides through an almost tight thicket. The extreme load of information resulting from worldwide interconnectedness leads to a confusion instead of a clarification.
Fortunately many companies are getting increasingly aware, that a short term, isolated and simple interventions are unable to solve the ever changing problems within a complex world. The modern economy demands more – it demands an integrative framework enabling companies to re-position if not reinvent themselves.
It is the merit of Prof. Dr. Dres. h.c. Hans Ulrich who was one of the first to recognize these developments and pioneer the solution together with his colleagues at the University of St. Gallen.
Christian Abegglen
St. Galler Business School